Organisation! My new middle name! (Stop laughing.)

Ahhh… I love the peaceful days between Christmas Day and the New Year. For me, it’s the time the New Year really begins – with rest, multiple cups of tea and PLANNING. This year, (I say to myself every year) I’m really going to get my shit together. I’m going to be ORGANISED.

I’m going to glide through this coming year with grace, a smile on my face and I am going to achieve ALL OF THE THINGS.  The witchlets will be happy.  The house will be clean and tidy.  The Hubster will be in awe of his organised, beautiful wife.


(Jewel Staite.  The reason The Hubster has watched Firefly countless times…)

But I end up sliding exhausted into an anxious, overwrought heap in the middle of the lounge floor at 2 am Christmas morning, with greasy hair, at least half a dozen presents to finish wrapping and wailing (quietly, because my DARLING children, who can sleep through an earthquake, choose this night of the year to wake to the sound of a mouse farting) “I HATE MY LIFE!”

I don’t (of course) hate my life.  Actually, I have a comparatively brilliant life.  But in those exhausted last few moments of a year that ALWAYS sees me descending into disarray, frustration and panic, I really do.  I look at my snoozing cat and vow to return as a feline.


Or a man.

Now I have read my fair share of self-help books.  I scour Pinterest on a daily basis for life hacks and WAYS TO GET MY SHIT TOGETHER.  And one thing that seems to come up time and time again is ACCOUNTABILITY.

Hal Elrod summed it up well in The Miracle Morning:

“Accountability is the act of being responsible to someone else for some action or result.”

Yup.  If someone is relying on me to do something, I get it done.  The witchlets need to eat, so I cook every day.  Everyone in the house needs clean clothes – the washing gets done.  No biggie.  I do this without any issue.  You won’t find me curled up on the sofa hiding in yet another adventure down the rabbit hole that is Pinterest when it’s tea time, or the washing basket is full.  THAT SHIT GETS DONE, DAMMIT.

So I need some accountability in every other damn area of my life.  So here we are.  A new year, a brand spanking new blog.  Of course, there are several million blogs out there doing just the same as me – I know, I read many of them! – so I am under no illusions that there is any body ACTUALLY reading this, but I’m hoping –



that writing this blog will give me some accountability.

Now, what I SHOULD be doing is finding a REAL, LIVE, HUMAN BEING to be accountable to.  If you read ALL ABOUT MOI here you will probably understand why I can’t do that.  Well, not yet.

(That’s something else I’m trying to do.  Add the phrase “Yet,” on to the end of every “I can’t do it,” I utter.)

So, here we go.  Welcome 2017, I’m coming to getcha!

Author: Sharon Grimshaw

I'm absolutely obsessed with making learning fun for Key Stage Two kids of all abilities, and letting you, as parents and carers, understand what, how and why the Key Stage Two curriculum is taught in schools today! I'm also a private tutor teaching maths, literacy, speciality dyslexia intervention, SPaG, reading comprehension and handwriting in and around the Castleford area of West Yorkshire!

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